Engine Progressive Overhaul Manual-Rolls Royce Packard V-1650-1


Rolls Royce Packard V-1650-1 Engine
Cover date: December 15, 1943

SKU: 75369d545bd4 Category: Tags: ,

Under the prov isi on s or Per. 1. n.
(7) of ASe Reg uiatioll 1’1 0 . 5 – 1 , Air Depot Progressive
Uver haul Manual s .,,111 be publif,h ed ( rom t i me t o time
by lllo Maintena nce Di v i s i on, Headquarters , Air Servi c e
Com,” ” n d , proscribi llp; i n d “tai l the pro e edure 1’or
t ho p r ogre,,,, l vu overha u l of v ,,,’10u,, i t ems or equipment.
Tl”, i mmed iate respon,;ibi llty fo r t h e prepara tion ,
p’ l i’l i c[]tion and mulntemm cO} of t hese Manuals rests
“L t h thu Chi ef , MIl.1nt emm c e Division .

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